The 12 Keys Challenge, FINALLY, The Step-By-Step System To Master Playing In All 12 Keys, On Piano, By Ear, For Gospel Keyboardist
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What Students Are Saying About The Course So Far:
I am an aspiring worship keyboard player.I have studied under some awesome gospel musicians, and I have invested thousands of dollars in high-quality streaming lessons.However, I have never run across a program as systematic and practical as Aaron Russell’s Twelve Keys Challenge.The videos are extremely well-done, and the pace is just right.He not only reviews scales, but he also clearly explains the number system and then he allows you to apply the skills obtained by teaching you a song and chord progressions in that in that key. A full hour of his time could easily cost $60.00 or $70.00.However he practically gives the program away for $247.00.If you desire to play skillfully, this series is a must-have.Do yourself a favor and invest in this anointed tool.You will be glad you did! - Elder Rhonda M.
I have tried just about all the programs... Hear and Play is much to complex and fast. The secret to your program is the ability to apply what you have learned to an actual song and not just mindless repetition of scales or patterns. Looking forward to more songs to practice. Well worth the money!
- Joseph G.
Hey Gospel Keyboardist, can you answer these few questions...
Do you struggle to play in the Key of C, D, E, F, G, A and B?
Do you get anxiety when you have to play in front of more skilled musicians because the song you have to play modulates up to unfamiliar keys?
Do you find yourself using the transpose button to play in every key besides C Sharp AND A Flat?
Have you given up on trying to play in ALL 12 Keys because you've found that Google, YouTube, and Other Gospel Piano Sites really don't have much to offer?
Do you want to take your skills to where they should be after all these years, and impress your other musician buddies?
Do you want to experience the AMAZINGLY SATISFYING feeling of being able to flow in and out of keys, INCLUDING the whites ones?
Would a course, that has a section dedicated to each INDIVIDUAL KEY interest YOU?
If, YES...
then I've got the Perfect STEP-BY-STEP SYSTEM.
Enroll Today in the ONLY Course of it's kind for Gospel Keyboardist.
In this course you'll learn...
* Why the Number System is the best approach to mastering all 12 keys and how to correctly apply it for unbelievable results in every key.
* The hidden formula to EASILY finding, IN EVERY KEY, the Major, Minor, Major 7, Minor 7, Diminished, Sus2, and Sus4 chord.
* The interconnectedness of all 12 keys using the system I created called the "Key-Connect" System. This is truly eye-opening!
* The fundamentals, basics, and foundation of Gospel Contemporary Worship Songs in our "Gospel School Of Music" course section.
* How to play 10 of the most important chord progressions in every key. We're going walk you through all 10 chord progressions in all 12 keys and provide you with charts for easy referencing.
Finally, You'll learn 12 new songs! That's right! To make sure you reach your goal, you’re going to learn 12 different songs! A new song for every key!
Don't Forget the BONUSES!
When you enroll today, for a limited time, you'll also get these 4 BONUSES
*BONUS 1 - A song map for each of the 12 songs. What is a song map? A song map outlines the structure of a song with numbers. With the song map you'll be able to easily learn all 12 songs in any key!
* BONUS 2 - Admission into The 12 Keys Challenge Private Facebook Group. An exclusive group for course students to ask questions, discuss progress, share tips, and receive encouragement.
* BONUS 3 - A practice schedule to help you stay on track and for maximizing your results.
* BONUS 4 - 3 FREE Months of ALL-ACCESS Membership to Unlimited access to over 80 Video Song Tutorials!
Course in Progress!
Why Enroll in The 12 Keys Challenge "Beta" Course?
Not only do you get the course at half-price, but when you enroll in the beta course you'll join the exclusive group of students who get the course first; as it's being created.
You'll be one of the initial members of the course. As sections of the course are added, you'll be notified by email so you can start learning right away.
Course Outline
Section 1:
The Number System
First, you'll learn the Number System and, how to use it for mastering all 12 keys. You'll also learn how the number system applies to Gospel music and the most commonly used scales in Gospel Contemporary Worship Music.
Chords 101
Then, you will learn how to identify and play the Major, Minor, Major 7, Minor 7, Sus2, Sus4 and Diminished Chord in every key. We'll also discuss chord inversions and give you tips for how to develop left hand chording.
The Power 10 Chord Progressions & The "Key-Connect" System
And finally, to close out The Gospel School of Music, you'll learn 10 of the most important chord progressions in Gospel Contemporary Worship Music. You're going to learn all 10 progressions in every key.
Section 2:
Key of C
You'll learn the Major and Minor scale along with the proper fingering, and the Power 10 Chord Progressions in this key.
Practice Song: As the Deer
The Key of C#
You'll learn the Major and Minor scale along with the proper fingering, and the Power 10 Chord Progressions in this key.
Practice Song: Anointing Fall On Me
The Key of D
You'll learn the Major and Minor scale along with the proper fingering, and the Power 10 Chord Progressions in this key.
Practice Song: Draw Me Nearer
The Key of Eb
You'll learn the Major and Minor scale along with the proper fingering, and the Power 10 Chord Progressions in this key.
Practice Song: There Is None Like You
The Key of E
You'll learn the Major and Minor scale along with the proper fingering, and the Power 10 Chord Progressions in this key.
Practice Song: We Worship Christ Our Lord
The Key of F
You'll learn the Major and Minor scale along with the proper fingering, and the Power 10 Chord Progressions in this key.
Practice Song: Thank You Lord
The Key of F#
You'll learn the Major and Minor scale along with the proper fingering, and the Power 10 Chord Progressions in this key.
Practice Song: I Love You Lord Today
The Key of G
You'll learn the Major and Minor scale along with the proper fingering, and the Power 10 Chord Progressions in this key.
Practice Song: Holy, Holy, Holy
The Key of Ab
You'll learn the Major and Minor scale along with the proper fingering, and the Power 10 Chord Progressions in this key.
Practice Song: I Surrender All
The Key of A
You'll learn the Major and Minor scale along with the proper fingering, and the Power 10 Chord Progressions in this key.
Practice Song: Welcome into This Place
The Key of Bb
You'll learn the Major and Minor scale along with the proper fingering, and the Power 10 Chord Progressions in this key.
Practice Song: You Deserve the Glory
The Key of B
You'll learn the Major and Minor scale along with the proper fingering, and the Power 10 Chord Progressions in this key.
Practice Song: He's Able
Ready For a Challenge?
No More Procrastination, Embarrassment, and Frustration from looking everywhere on the internet and finding nothing.
In 2019
With The 12 Keys Challenge
YOU can win this challenge!
Enroll Today!
Frequently Asked Questions
Course Lessons & Files
StartOfficial Intro Video (0:11)
PreviewThe Gospel School of Music - Part 1 of 3 (12:44)
StartThe Gospel School of Music - Part 2 of 3 (18:56)
StartThe Gospel School of Music - Part 3 of 3 - Section 1 (27:41)
StartThe Gospel School of Music - Part 3 of 3 - Section 2 - Part 1 (33:42)
StartThe Gospel School of Music - Part 3 of 3 - Section 2 - Part 2 (20:07)
StartThe Key of C - Section 1 (28:17)
StartThe Key of C - Section 2 (19:20)
StartThe Key of C - Section 3 - Song of The Day (19:35)
StartThe Key of C# - Steps 1 - 5 (34:23)
StartKey of C# Step 6 (37:20)
StartKey of C# - Song of The Day (18:22)
StartKey of D - Coming Soon
StartKey of Eb - Coming Soon
StartKey of E - Coming Soon
StartKey of F - Coming Soon
StartKey of F# - Coming Soon
StartKey of G - Coming Soon
StartKey of Ab - Coming Soon
StartKey of A - Coming Soon
StartKey of Bb - Coming Soon
StartKey of B - Coming Soon
Your Instructor
Aaron is a Gospel and Christian Keyboardist/Organist from Indianapolis, Indiana. He started one of the fastest growing online Gospel Piano Tutorial YouTube channels back in January 2016, the highly popular Holy Lessons.
Today he spends his time working full-time as an accountant along with serving in his local church as musician and minister of the Gospel. He also operates the Holy Lessons website, a site that teaches musicians some of Gospel Music's most well-known songs.